14 January 2009

Stock Market Down, STD Rates in US Blacks Up, Especially Women and Babies How Can Obama Help The Lives of Millions of Blacks?

It is not enough that the illegitimacy rate among US blacks hovers around 70%, dooming millions of children to a lifetime of poverty or crime. Now black women and unborn black children are suffering from an increase in congenital sexually transmitted diseases -- including chlamydia and syphilis. Needless to say, HIV often piggybacks along with STD infections such as syphilis, and black Americans have the highest rates of new HIV infections. What can the winner of last year's US presidential election offer to these millions of Americans, seemingly doomed by life's lottery to a lifetime of congenital disability?
The syphilis rate continued to rise in 2007, as it has since 2000, with 11,466 diagnoses reported, or 3.8 cases per 100,000 people. This marks a 15% increase from 2006 (Engel, Los Angeles Times, 1/14).

Black women ages 15 to 19 have the highest rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea. Gonorrhea rates for blacks overall were 19 times higher than for whites, according to the report. Blacks make up 12% of the U.S. population, but account for about 70% of gonorrhea cases and nearly 50% of chlamydia and syphilis cases, the report said (Reuters Health, 1/13). Minorities have been disproportionately affected by STIs in previous year reports, with American Indians Alaska Natives and Hispanics at a lesser extent, according to the Times. _Kaiser
This is not some senile researcher in Tuskegee innoculating black field workers with syphilis to follow the natural progression of the disease. Medical science already understands what happens when syphilis goes untreated: severe lifelong and potentially fatal effects, and for infants born with syphilis (60 to 80% of infants born to infected mothers), a large number of problems some of which last a lifetime or can cause an early death.

Black Americans have better economic opportunities than blacks in most parts of the world. Black Americans have an average IQ of 85 -- 15 points higher than the average IQ in Sub Saharan Africa. Consequently, achievement of Black Americans should be higher than for Blacks in Africa, and it is. But what is the source for the self-inflicted problems so abundant in the US Black community? Crime? Drugs? Single parent households? Rampant STD and HIV rates that pass on lifelong hardship to the next generation?

What is the new US President going to do to help these brand new citizens who start their lives with two strikes against them?

Probably nothing, or worse than nothing. Rather than beginning with the dysfunctional rot of learned helplessness within the Black community and attempting to teach self-efficacy, expect Obama to fall back on the tired old language of victimhood of his mentor Jeremiah Wright, and his close friend and author William Ayers. Obama will almost certainly fall into his self-appointed role as messiah, to rescue his people from "the man" and lead them to the promised land.

Expect more of the same old, same old. Except what used to be millions will be billions. What used to be billions will be trillions. Obama uses the language of progressive economics, after all.

When one needs competence, but all one has is flaming narcissism, it helps to be able to print money. Lots of money.

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Blogger Bruce Hall said...

If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got.

The problem is not Obama or IQ tests or suburbia; the problem is so-called black culture. It is the culture of impoverished thought, goals, and perceptions. A significant portion of the black American population has partially repudiated that culture... and headed to suburbia to mix with so-called mainstream America. Unfortunately, even many "middle class" blacks cling to speech patterns and priorities that work against them and their children.

Until blacks come to terms with the reality that you can celebrate your heritage at home, but you'd better not accentuate your culture in public, they will continue to be seen as ... substandard ... by the mainstream. When a Condolezza Rice opens her mouth, you may not agree with what she says, but you don't immediately see her as "a stupid black woman."

The poor black subculture of irresponsibility is self-perpetuating because successful blacks don't want to rock the boat and say what needs to be said. There are too few Bill Cosbys to make the message stick.

If Obama wants to change things, it can't be with some public-assistance scheme. He must stand up and say "This is what it takes to be a real man and a real woman in this society... and using drugs and having illegitimate babies and spreading crime and disease are not the hallmarks of either real men and women or real blacks.

But he won't say that and the poor-black culture will only see that Obama is an opportunity for them to get something else for nothing.

Wednesday, 14 January, 2009  
Blogger al fin said...

Right. Obama won't say that because if he did, he would be repudiating too many of his most influential mentors. And his wife would kill him.

Sunday, 18 January, 2009  

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